Monday, February 5, 2007

Eastern Market

Our first outing as a class was a Saturday morning trip to Eastern Market. I bought some apples and cinnamon covered pecans that were very good (Pronounced pee-can for you northerners). Later my friends and I ate at the famous Market Lunch. Market Lunch is little more than a lunch counter in one corner of the Eastern Market building with a long table out in front for its patrons to sit and eat and then leave. As soon as your done eating, you're expected to clear out to make way for other people to sit and eat. This is enforced by a man patrolling the tables and watching for people who have finished their food and are lingering. The Market Lunch people take this eat and run policy seriously. Think the Soup Nazi from Seinfeld. Market Lunch is famous for its pancakes in the morning and burgers and crab-cakes at lunch. Of course my friend Robert and I went for the double cheese-burger, and we were not disappointed. Below you can see our Market Lunch experience (picture borrowed from Robert's facebook profile).

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