Thursday, March 1, 2007

Catherine came up to visit a few weekends ago. I took her to Eastern Market and a nearby used bookstore called Capitol Hill Books. In that particular store there are 3 floors of books. Wall to wall, floor to ceiling. There were even piles of books in the bathroom. Needless to say, Catherine, who is an avid reader, thought she had died and gone to heaven. And when we went ice-skating later that day, I thought I had died and gone to a cold hell. Ice skating was actually pretty fun, mainly because there were several others guys falling all over themselves and their girlfriends. Solidarity guys!


Unknown said...

Jeff, keep your Mom posted on technological developments :-)

Unknown said...

Why on earth would my Dad post this - what a goober ;) You crack me up with your joke on "cold hell" - don't you just love that I almost posted on all your posts :)

Unknown said...

OK, for directions, this site has maps online.

Unknown said...

For your free time check out this site: