Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Monument Presentation

For one of our class assignments, each one of us were supposed to go out in the city and find a monument or memorial and tell the class a little bit about it. I discovered my monument by pure accident. I was wandering around the Mall by myself one day when I noticed a small monument in a grove of trees on one side of the mall. As you can see from the picture, it looks like the "Old Well" at Carolina except not as wussy. And yes that was a shot. We're coming for you next year Carowhina. Ok now back to the topic at hand. A little information about the monument:

Name of the Monument: DC World War I Memorial

Location: In West Potomac Park on the National Mall

It’s roughly bounded by the Capitol grounds on the East, Independence Avenue on the south, 15th Street on the West, and Constitution Avenue on the North.

Who was behind the movement to build this particular monument: Citizens of Washington DC, lead by Frank Noyes and the Noyes family.

Intent: The monument is intended to memorialize Washington DC’s citizens (alive and dead) who served their country during World War I.

It may be hard to tell from the picture, but the Monument is in pretty bad shape. This is because nobody has restored it for several decades. The cause: surprise, suprise, government bureaucracy. Both the local and federal governments claim the other is responsible for its upkeep. Wouldn't it be nice if they both wanted to help with the upkeep? I know, I know that's just the way things are and there's nothing I can do about it. I mean "I'm just a Bill up on Capitol Hill." Haha.

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